Home Detroit Lions Lions News Reports Former Detroit Lions WR says he dislikes Donald Trump more than Osama Bin Laden

Former Detroit Lions WR says he dislikes Donald Trump more than Osama Bin Laden

Former Detroit Lions WR says he dislikes Donald Trump more than Osama Bin Laden

This is the United States of America and we are all entitled to our own opinions. Sometimes we agree with each other and all is well, and other times, we lose friends over something that in the big scheme of things, really is not that important.

When it comes to talking politics, we generally lay low because nothing good can come out of it, and we certainly are not implying any opinion of our own with the little tidbit we are about to share with you. In fact, if this did not involve a former Detroit Lions player, we would have let somebody else pass it along.

That being said, former Lions wide receiver and kickoff return specialist Reggie Swinton recently made a statement on The TrevStone Show podcast, that may raise some eyebrows.

While on the podcast, Swinton spoke about COVID-19, blaming President Donald Trump for waiting too long to act. Swinton then added that he dislikes Trump more than Osama Bin Laden.

“I didn’t believe this COVID-19 until my classmate died. That’s when I took it seriously. Then another person I knew died from it last week. Since she died, it really woke me up. I was leaving the house and wasn’t protecting myself. Now I know it’s real. I think people really need to protect themselves.”

“I hate it for all the families who are suffering because our President waited too long to act. He never takes the blame for everything, ever. He gets upset when you ask him questions he doesn’t like. This man being our President, man, really, really upsets me. When I tell you, I dislike this man more than I dislike Osama Bin Landen, that’s a strong statement.”

Well, we will just leave that one for you to digest.

Here is the video from the podcast for your viewing pleasure.
