Home Detroit Lions Tier Ranking AI-Generated NFC team images

Tier Ranking AI-Generated NFC team images

Tier Ranking AI-Generated NFC team images

The title speaks for itself and these AI-generated images are too cool NOT to get into them right away. I have compiled an AI-generated NFC team's mascots; each of these was crafted by TikTok user @raider_clips16, who is credited in each image as well. The ranking itself will be rated on the traditional gaming tier structure of S-A-B-C-D-F. Without further adieu, here are the NFC images that an AI-generated.

AI-generated NFC teams

How do AI-generated NFC team logos rank?

NFC East

Philadelphia Eagles

People used to say Jalen Hurts threw with one eye open

Fly Eagles Fly with this evocative image. The Eagle itself is rendered alright but the feet and the missing eye kinda creep me out. So with this rank, I'll put the Eagles at a C tier.

New York Giants

Something wicked this way comes

Personally, I find the New York Giants‘ image to be quite impressive. The center, ominous subject of the picture is looming over a New York-esque skyline to intimidate and strike fear. With this in mind, I'll give the G-men an A tier.

Dallas Cowboys

On the ole' dusty trail

I don't hate this image for the Dallas Cowboys, but I don't love it either. It doesn't have the dominant shading or subject matter of the previous two pictures, so for that, I'll give the Dallas Cowboys a C tier.

Washington Commanders

A red Vietnam

I absolutely LOVE this image for the newly rebranded Washington Commanders. The red sea of grass with the platoon walking away from the viewer is just fantastic. There's something serious and weighty to the image and, for that, the Commanders get our first S tier of the day!

NFC North

Detroit Lions

The irony of the open, empty desert around the Lion

This is a sad, sad image and that makes perfect sense for the subject matter. The blue lion looks sad and depressed in an empty sea of nothingness. While it's definitely perfect to match the tone of Detroit Lions football under the Ford regime, as an image compared to that of the others, I have to put this in a D tier.

Chicago Bears

How fluffy!

I'm biased here as I am a Bears fan myself, but I think the golden hues of the bear and its overall cuddliness are really nice to look at. Yet again, the AI doesn't seem to believe in eyes but I'll set this picture at a B tier.

Green Bay Packers

Jesus f$*#ing Christ.

I'm so sorry, I really am. This horrible, feral, disturbing image is one that the Packers embody. The cheese head, and the lifelessness of the body it is clearly parasitically attached to, all of it make for a horror show. And we're PAST HALLOWEEN for God's sake. F tier.

Minnesota Vikings

This man absolutely yells SKOL.

I really dig the purple hues that give a foggy aura to the background. The Viking himself is pretty standard fare but still illicit what it needs to represent Minnesota well. This one is an A tier for me.

NFC South

Atlanta Falcons

What are those things in the top left?

This is where the uncanny valley of AI really shines through. The bird's head is disfigured, there are weird saucer things in the top left of the image. I love the clouds and the coloration of the falcon itself, but the messiness of this imagery makes it a C tier.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

It will be… a red dawn.

God bless, this picture is perfect. The aggressiveness of the crimson dread that paints over everything is amazing. Waves on the ocean are rendered brilliantly and the ship itself for the Buccaneers is impeccable. The top of the S tier is where this picture goes.

Carolina Panthers

Get that smirk off your face

This one is odd. The shading is exactly in line with the best parts of the Carolina Panthers' color scheme. Having the setting at night is also a nice touch. But what the hell is going on with that face, man? C tier due to the disfigured smarm.

New Orleans Saints

Reminds me of the ending of Hellboy II: The Golden Army

The Vatican is in full display, fittingly, for the New Orleans Saints. It looks like a typical fantasy city and the color palette doesn't do much to bring in the black portion of the Saints' color scheme. It doesn't do much for me, so this is a C tier.

NFC West

Arizona Cardinals

That's a really solid Cardinal

Execution is perfect for this one. The Cardinal is spot on, it is uniform and rendered pristinely. Not to mention, the background and foreground are also brilliantly done. S tier for Kyler Murray and the COD squad.

Los Angeles Rams


Bro, come on. That Ram is the most derpiest thing I've ever seen. Too goofy to take seriously at all. D tier.

Seattle Seahawks

So… does Seattle like the color green?

Lie to me and tell me that's not EXACTLY what the Seahawk logo would look like IRL. I love the green hues and the bird itself adds that mystical, spiritual element that the Seattle Seahawks derived their name and logo. Love it to pieces, S tier.

San Francisco 49ers

My man needs some help

This rank will be harsher due to expectations. I personally feel that more can be done with the 49er moniker and this image doesn't pull it off. The miner is fine and the rocks strewn about are also decent enough. But for a monster franchise like San Francisco's, there needs to be more; C tier.