Michigan and South Carolina players almost lock horns after bowling event, seem ready for Outback Bowl


With bowl games come bowl activities, whether they be eating competitions, or friendly games like bowling. The football teams for Michigan and South Carolina joined up for the latter on Wednesday at Splitsville Luxury Lanes.

Well, wednesday’s bowling function turned a little less friendly after South Carolina beat Michigan on the lanes.

Needless to say, the news broke out after the Outback Bowl bowling event between the Wolverines and the Gamecocks, as sources down there say it all began when a South Carolina player started the trashtalk towards Michigan running back Karan Higdon. And Florida police had to step in and cool things down.

Luckily, no punches were thrown as the overload of testosterone lead to nothing more than words, and maybe a little shoving between the two teams. It could’ve been worse. You young ones might not remember the 2000 Sugar Bowl between the University of Miami and the University of Florida. A couple nights before the game, the two teams happened to be at the same function in the Big Easy and THAT one turned ugly on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. As many as 40 players from the two teams started woofin’ at each other, and then the punches started flying.

If you haven’t seen ESPN’s 30 for 30 on The U: Part 2, give it a watch as that engagment put this one to shame.

The good news is, with no actual physical altercation, both Michigan and South Carolina should have their full complement of players ready and available for the Outback Bowl on New Year’s Day at Noon E.T.

Needless to say, if both teams weren’t amped and ready to lay it all out on the field before the bowling event, they are now.