
Rookie Kenny Golladay Ready to Impress Against Giants on Monday Night

The NFL is, by all accounts, a great league. Sure, there’s plenty of competition. But it is because of that heat that any outstanding performances are generally difficult to miss. It only takes one amazing moment for the NFL to make stars of previously unknown rookies.

That is exactly what happened to Kenny Golladay during Sunday’s game between the Lions and the Cardinals. The next time you bet on the Detroit Lions, you will do so while keeping in mind the two 4th quarter touchdown catches from Golladay.

The season opener saw the Lions achieve a 35-23 comeback and it was largely because of the performance of their rookie receiver. Of course, the NFL makes stars as quickly as it fo
So just because Golladay is basking in glory today doesn’t mean he won’t be weeping in the gutter tomorrow. The league encourages its athletes to make the most of every chance that comes their way. And that is exactly what Golladay has to do when he goes on the road with the Lions to play the New York Giants.

Golladay couldn’t have had that much time to celebrate, not with the Monday night game looming. The Lions have already begun making preparations and for good reason. The Lions need to get to 2-0 because everyone has been predicting doom and gloom for them as a result of their difficult early schedule.

It will give Detroit a boost of confidence to start the season off with two victories. The Giants have more pressing concerns, though. They lost 19-3 to the Cowboys. They need that win. Their offensive performance was feeble at best, so they have a lot to make up for.

Golladay will have a lot of eyes on him. He needs to prove that he can step out into the bright lights once more and not falter. For now, Golladay’s demeanor is encouraging. He didn’t flinch in the Cardinals game.

Better athletes have admitted to getting star struck the first time they stepped into an NFL game. Golladay kept his senses, and he was very cordial in the interviews that followed.

He recognized his mistakes at the start of the game, mistakes everyone thought would sink the team. The Lions started off poorly and Kenny Golladay made a play that failed to land. But, like a professional, he refused to beat himself up.

And by the second half, the rookie had clearly found his rhythm because he made many an impressive play for his team. Every team hopes for great things when they draft rookies with potential.

The Lions are one of very few teams that are getting their money’s worth from a rookie they drafted in the third round. One presumes that the Lions knew they had something special on their hands when their rookie receiver caught two touchdown passes during a preseason game against the Colts.

Kenny Golladay took the potential he manifested in the preseason and multiplied it in the game against the Cardinals. If he keeps going down that same trajectory, the Lions will have a genuine star on their hands.

Of course, Golladay could throw everything away in his next game.

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Written by Jeff Bilbrey

Founder of Detroit Sports Nation - Jeff Bilbrey manages the day to day operations of Detroit Sports Nation as well as all content delivery systems, ad networks and social platforms. Email him at [email protected]

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