
Michigan special teams sets up bulldozing TD run

Saturday afternoon at The Big House was pretty stagnant. Going into halftime with only a three-point lead, the Michigan Wolverines needed a spark. That spark came after Northwestern’s first possession when Cornelius Johnson did his best Superman impression to block the Northwestern punt. Watch Johnson lay it all on the line to set the Wolverine’s up:

Johnson’s efforts led a few plays later to Hassan Haskin’s doing his best to “Hulksmash” his way through the Northwestern defense and into the end zone.

With Halloween just over a week away, the Wolverines took the opportunity to invoke some of the best superhero impressions they could to take a 17-point lead in the third quarter. What do you think of the effort, Nation? Have the Wolverines finally awakened against Northwestern?

Written by AJ Reilly

A.J. is a lifelong baseball fan and an avid storyteller. His debut novel, The Askren Boys, won the Literary Classics Gold Medal and Seal of Approval in November of 2018. When not writing, he is spending time with his wife Jessica, son Jack, daughter Nora, and new arrival Teddy. A.J. lives in Metro Detroit.

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